Meet Kate Kendall; life student, yogi, nature lover and also Co-Founder & Director of Yoga at Flow Athletic, in Sydney’s Paddington. She's a passionate expert about teaching the art of slowing down, with her mindful meditations and online course The Space Between.
We were pretty keen to gain a little bit more insight into Kate’s sleep ritual and how she prepares for restful sleep.
How do you navigate a stressful day?
One step at a time. Breath by breath.
What's your pre-sleep ritual?
For me it's all about being gentle. Power down no less than an hour before bed (no devices or distractions) and spend that time reading or pre-sleep time cuddles with my partner and his 8 year old.
Does your sleep ritual change the night before a big event?
Nope. In fact, it's important for me to maintain the ritual more so.
What's on your bedside table?
Currently a book called The Untethered Soul (which I'm reading for the third time), a candle and a rose quartz crystal.
What's the one thing you can't sleep without?
A warm, comforting blanket and a positive thought to close the day on.
What’s your relationship with sleep – are you a good sleeper, or do struggle to get enough?
I go through stages. Right now sleep and I really get along! I've cut coffee out for a while and it's incredible how even just cutting out the one coffee I drink has such a positive effect on my sleep which is so much deeper. Ask me again in a month and it may be different... it depends on what's going on. It's dependent on the size of my to-do and, quite often, if I'm not feeling fulfilled, this will effect my sleep. I like to feel as though at the end of the day I've done all that I could. Not in an exhausted burnt-out kind of way but rather in a 'I've done something good today and I feel fulfilled' kind of way.
How do you achieve your balance?
When my heart feels full.
You can find out more about the beautiful Kate Kendall on her website, Active Yogi.