It’s been established that sleep deprivation is associated with reduced productivity in the workplace - but it doesn’t stop there. Here are a few of the ways sleep deprivation effects the workplace.
- Do you feel like you’re constantly losing your train of thought?
The capacity to which one understand and retain information is heavily influenced by the brains ability to recover during sleep. Sleep deprivation heavily impacts the ability to retain information, recall sequences of events and evolve strategies based on new information.
- Do you sometimes feel disengaged and disconnected in your workplace?
Tired and fatigued employees are poor communicators. Research has shown fatigue often causes the individual to drop the volume of their voice, pausing for longer intervals, articulate poorly, mispronounce words, repeat themselves and become distracted easily.
- Do your clients or colleagues agitate you beyond your control?
Research has shown sleep deprivation is associated with increased stimulation of the ‘risk taking’ section of the brain, while the areas controlling ‘logical’, ‘rational’ and ‘self-regulating’ show lower levels of activation.
These are just a few of the symptoms of sleep deprivation and the effect it has on the workplace. Research has shown that creating and maintaining a rounded sleep ritual is crucial for a productive workplace.
A sleep ritual must-have is The Goodnight Co. Silk Sleep Mask.