Sleep With: Chloe Wigan

Meet The Goodnight Co.’s latest inspiration, Chloe Wigan, founder of One Infinite Life.

Chloe is a certified life coach and writer, with a background in psychology. More than 12 years after picking up her first self-help book, Chloe supports people to overcome what’s holding them back, so they can take empowered action towards what they want, and ultimately, get the most out of their one infinite life.

The Goodnight Co. approached Chloe and wanted to know a little bit more about how she navigates stress, what's on her bedside table, and the things she cannot sleep without. 


How do you navigate a stressful day?

I try to remember to BREATHE and not get caught up in the stress or overwhelm too much. I also try to support myself to destress by doing something (or many things) that I find relaxing like going for a walk, making some tea and reading, doing yoga, lying down and listening to some meditones (and just breathing!), or watching something I enjoy on Netflix.

What's on your bedside table?

Currently on my bedside table is: a rock salt lamp, some crystals in a dish, a buddha statue, an essential oils diffuser and my favourite broad-leaf peppermint eucalyptus essential oil. Plus I keep my Kindle, books, rescue remedy, herbal sleep support (and homeopathic melatonin) in my bedside table drawers.


What's the one thing you can't sleep without?

An eye mask! Yep, my family thinks it's hilarious but I find it hard to sleep with any kind of light, so this is an essential for me.

Oh, and this a strange one, but I have a mini salin therapy machine that I put on every night to go to sleep. It helps me breathe easier and I just find the sound really soothing and relaxing now that I feel like I can't sleep without it.


How do you achieve your balance?

By constantly checking in and working out what I need right now to best support myself. I find myself often reevaluating things when I feel stressed or overwhelmed and this helps me to (re)commit to doing the things that make me feel good and balanced. Some things that always help me feel more balanced are getting enough sleep, walking on the beach and in nature, swimming in the ocean, doing yoga and meditation.


If you love Chloe’s work just as much as we do, take a look through her website, here. 

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